Your password is obsolete now

Uttam Kumar, Sr. General Manager, Aircel

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This new world of smart devices and "Internet of Things" is a far cry from the past where anti-virus applications were the only way to keep hackers out. Now, such software is child's play for those eager to get hold of information.

IOT will make systems more intelligent, programmed and everything that is intelligent will be personalized. Many IoT based services will behave differently based on who's there.

Your body is the new password

Facial recognition has been the most common way to identify and recognize someone. We recognize each other by looking at the face.

In this digital age, we are required to create multiple registrations on web sites either for accessing email or so­cial media or for making e-commerce transactions. A sur­vey indicates that a normal internet user has 20+ different accounts on an average. To address the problem of multi­ple logins, username and password, companies like Goog­le and Facebook have created “Login with Facebook” and “Login with Google+”. To protect personal data, GSMA created Mobile authentication for mobile consumers.

UIDAI offers API through which, it allows a person to be authenticated in real time. There are many phones launched in the Indian Market which have made iris scanning for authentication. ZTE launched a smartphone based on Android. ZTE‘s latest smartphone allows users to unlock it by scanning their retinas with a built-in biometric solution. Once this capability is made available to third party applications, you can login to your app by scanning your retina.

This will offer a greater security and ensure certain actions only happen if user is physically present.

Along with endless new opportunities, internet brings threats to consumers, consumer applications, large scale infrastructure, which in turn forces businesses to iden­tify the risks and exposure for a full-proof and future proof strategy.

Your locker may become keyless

Technology is evolving at a great speed and with the advent of IOT devices and sensors technology, it’s now possible to have a locker which operates by using your “body” as the new password. Some of the lockers available today scan your retina and grant access if the same matches.

IOT based sensors can make Heartbeat as passwords

The outreach of social media and mobile devices mean businesses are more vulnerable to hacking and in a bid to keep information secured, a new wave of body centric devices are replacing passwords. Today, there are devices available which authenticate your identity by measuring your heartbeat. This became possible with the IOT and sensors based technology.

Secured passwords can now be sent via body instead of Air

University of Washington computer scientists and electrical engineers have devised a way to send se­cure passwords through the human body — using benign, low-frequency transmissions generated by fingerprint sensors and touchpads on consum­er devices. “Fingerprint sensors have so far been used as an input device. What is cool is that we’ve shown for the first time that fingerprint sensors can be re-purposed to send out information that is confined to the body,” said senior author Shyam Gol­lakota, UW, Assistant Professor of Com­puter Science and Engineering.

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